Yang ± Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema
Stanley Kwan | 关锦鹏
UK and Hong Kong, China | 80 minutes | 1996 | Documentary | Cantonese and Mandarin | English Subtitles | 14A
英国、中国香港|80 分钟|1996|纪录片|粤语、普通话|英文字幕|14A
SAT, AUG 17, 4:30 – 6:00 PM
Innis Town Hall
On cinema’s 100th anniversary, Stanley KWAN examines gender, sexuality and family issues through Yang ± Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema. Dividing his reflections into six chapters, he constructs a visual essay with archival footage and extensive interviews of centre figures in contemporary Chinese cinemas. This remarkable film is both a candid autobiography and a piercing investigation on androgynous characters and sexual ambivalence.
Director 导演
Born in 1957, Stanley KWAN graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist College with a degree in mass communications. He once landed a job at Hong Kong’s Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) before working as production assistant for Ann HUI (A Simple Life) and other Hong Kong directors. His debut feature, Women (1985), starring Chow Yun-fat, was a major box office success. As a key figure in the Hong Kong Second Wave, Kwan constantly explores the power of female protagonists and their romantic struggles with sympathetic eyes, and such directorial credits include Rouge (1987), Full Moon in New York (1989), Center Stage (1992), Red Rose White Rose (1994) and Everlasting Regret (2005). His latest film, First Night Nerves (2018), will have its Canadian Premiere at our festival on August 17.
关锦鹏出生于1957年,毕业于香港浸会学院,获得大众传播学学位。 他曾在香港电视广播公司(TVB)工作,随后担任起许鞍华(《桃姐》)等香港导演的制片助理。 他的首部长片,周润发主演的《女人心》(1985),取得了不俗的票房。 作为香港电影新浪潮第二波的代表,关锦鹏以充满同情的眼光,不断探索女主人公的力量以及她们的情感挣扎。他的作品包括《胭脂扣》(1987)、《人在纽约》(1989)、《阮玲玉》(1992)、《红玫瑰白玫瑰》(1994)和《长恨歌》(2005)。他的最新作品《八个女人一台戏》(2018)的加拿大首映将于今年8月17日在木兰电影节举行。
Credits 演职员名单
- Director 导演:Stanley KWAN 关锦鹏
- Interviewees 受访者:CHANG Cheh 张彻、Ti Lung 狄龙、John WOO 吴宇森、Leslie CHEUNG 张国荣、CHEN Kaige 陈凯歌、XIE Jin 谢晋、XIE Yan 谢衍、HOU Hsiao-Hsien 侯孝贤、Ang LEE 李安、TSAI Ming-Liang 蔡明亮、Edward YANG 杨德昌、FONG Yuk-Ping 方育平、Peggy CHIAO Hsiung-Ping 焦雄屏、ZHANG Yuan 张元、TSUI Hark 徐克、Kar Law 罗卡、Mrs. KWAN 关太太
- Executive Producer 执行制片人:Colin MacCabe, Bob Last, MA Fung-Kwok 马逢国
- Cinematographer 摄影:Christopher Doyle 杜可风
- Editor 剪辑:Maurice LI 李明文