Center Stage
Stanley KWAN | 关锦鹏
Hong Kong, China | 151 minutes | 1991 | Fiction | Cantonese Chinese | English Subtitles | PG
中国香港 | 151分钟 | 1991 | 虚构 | 粤语 | 英文字幕 | PG
The 42nd Berlin International Film Festival, Silver Berlin Bear – Best Actress
第42届柏林国际电影节银熊奖 – 最佳女演员
The 28th Golden Horse Film Festival – Best Leading Actress, Best Cinematography
第28届台北金马影展 – 最佳女主角、最佳摄影
The 12th Hong Kong Film Awards – Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction
第12届香港电影金像奖 – 最佳女演员、最佳摄影、最佳美术指导
7:00 – 9:30 PM, TUE, AUG 14
Innis Town Hall
Center Stage is set during China’s silent movie era and revolves around the life of the legendary gifted actress, RUAN Lingyu. With her sensitive portrayal, Maggie CHEUNG Man-yuk took her story abroad and won the best actress award at the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival.
In the spring of 1935, silent movie star Ruan took her own life, shocking the world. Her funeral was attended by hundreds of thousands of mourning fans. Ruan entered the film world at the age of 16. In the short span of 9 years, she made 29 silent movies and became the idol of tens of thousands. As she rose to fame, she also rose to infamy with scandals over her private life. Her death at such an early age has given rise to much debate: did she kill herself because of her career? Or for love? In her farewell note, Ruan wrote four words – “criticism should be feared” – and gave her final condemnation on the merciless public.
1935年的春天,默片电影明星阮玲玉突然自杀,震动海内外,出殡当日数十万人涌上街头相送。阮玲玉16岁便投身影坛,在短短的九年里演出了29部默片,成为万人爱戴的演员,但其私生活亦同时遭恶意非议。社会大众对其自杀原因议论纷纷:因事业下滑,还是一团糟的感情?然而,她在遗书中,却留下 “人言可畏” 四字,作为她对多年来遭舆论逼害的最后控诉……
Director 导演
Born in 1957, Stanley KWAN graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist College with a degree in mass communications. He once landed a job at Hong Kong’s Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) before working as production assistant for Ann HUI (A Simple Life) and other Hong Kong directors. His debut feature, Women (1985), starring Chow Yun-fat, was a major box office success. As a key figure in the Hong Kong Second Wave, Kwan constantly explores the power of female protagonists and their romantic struggles with sympathetic eyes, and such directorial credits include Rouge (1987), Full Moon in New York (1989), Center Stage (1992) and Red Rose White Rose (1994).
关锦鹏出生于1957年,毕业于香港浸会学院,获得大众传播学学位。 他曾在香港电视广播公司(TVB)工作,随后担任起许鞍华(《桃姐》)等香港导演的制片助理。 他的首部长片,周润发主演的《女人心》(1985),取得了不俗的票房。 作为香港电影新浪潮第二波的代表,关锦鹏以充满同情的眼光,不断探索女主人公的力量以及她们的情感挣扎。他的作品包括《胭脂扣》(1987)、《人在纽约》(1989)、《阮玲玉》(1992)、《红玫瑰白玫瑰》(1994)。
Credits 演职员名单
- Director 导演:Stanley KWAN 关锦鹏
- Principal Cast 主演:Maggie CHEUNG 张曼玉、Tony LEUNG 梁家辉、CHIN Hang 秦汉、Carina LAU 刘嘉玲、Lawrence NG 吴启华、Cecilia YIP 叶童、Waise LEE 李子雄
- Executive Producer 执行制片人:Willie CHAN 陈自强、TSUI Siu Ming 徐小明
- Screenplay 编剧:CHUI DAI An Ping 邱戴安平
- Cinematographer 摄影:POON Hang Seng (H.K.S.C.) 潘恒生
- Editor 剪辑:CHEUNG Yiu Chung (H.K.S.E.) 张耀宗、CHEUNG Kar Fei (H.K.S.E.) 张嘉辉、Joseph CHIANG 姜全德
- Music 音乐:Siu Chung 小虫
Co-Presented by
The Made by Women programme is funded by the Government of Ontario.