Our latest 2018 Programme Book has been released.
Pick up at our venue or click here to download the digital version.

Beyond fortune cookies.
The China Retrospective programme features award-nominated or -winning films that reveal the zeitgeist and enormous changes in China and Chinese society since the early 20th century; and that capture how beliefs and ideas have formed and evolved in the course of time.

Will the greatest female director of all times be from China?
Will the greatest female director of all times be from China?
The Made by Women programme serves to advance the appreciation of female filmmakers’ and actresses’ endeavours, as well as to recognize the identity and power of female protagonists in films. We continually gaze at women working in the film industry and celebrate their success and achievements.

Young, curious, restless = trouble? Troublemakers define the future.
The Portraits of the Young programme is dedicated to emerging young filmmakers and their compelling or innovative works, especially those that showcase modern-day young people’s exploration and search for identity. We aim at connecting them with industry leaders and experienced filmmakers, facilitating meaningful conversations regarding their future career lookout and helping them launch their next projects.
I’ve Got a Little Problem
ZHANG Ximing
44 minutes | 2017 | Documentary | 14A
North American Premiere