Bangzi Melody


ZHENG Dasheng | 郑大圣

China | 100 minutes | 2017 | Fiction | Chinese Regional Dialect | English and Chinese Subtitles | 14A
中国 | 100 分钟 | 2017 | 虚构 | 河北井陉话 | 中英文字幕 | 14A
North American Premiere 北美首映

31st Golden Rooster Awards – Best Cinematography
第31届中国电影金鸡奖 – 最佳摄影

4:00 – 6:30 PM, SAT, AUG 11
Isabel Bader Theatre
Screening + Panel Talk

In the 1980s, with the end of the Cultural Revolution, China has begun a vast land reform in its rural areas to launch the so-called household-responsibility system, which aims at ending the egalitarian distribution method performed in Maoist China.

1982, a small village in the Hebei Province of North China. With the Spring Festival approaching, Party Secretary Wang asks the villagers to rehearse a classic bangzi opera to impress visiting cadres. The rehearsal, led by Uncle Lu, becomes entangled with land-dividing. The best, most coveted peanut field has been long guarded by Kuisheng, the “Mad Man” of the village. All the villagers then try to put him into exile, except the kind-hearted Xiaofen, Lu’s daughter, who is in love with Kuisheng’s son, Shuman.

Shot in black and white with great humanistic spirit, Bangzi Melody recounts the personal sufferings, political gambling and historical ambiguities as a microcosm of rural China during the land reform.



Director 导演

Zheng Dasheng 郑大圣

Film and theatre director ZHENG Dasheng was born in a literary family in Shanghai. He earned his undergraduate degree from the Shanghai Theatre Academy before receiving his MFA in filmmaking at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Greatly influenced by his grandfather HUANG Zuolin (veteran filmmaker and playwright) and mother HUANG Shuqin (a renowned fourth-generation director), he approaches the art of cinema with great humanistic concern and rich historical reflection. His 2012 feature Falling City was in the Official Selection of the 36th Montreal World Film Festival. Bangzi Melody is his latest feature.


Credits 演职员名单

  • Director 导演:ZHENG Dasheng 郑大圣
  • Executive Producer 执行制片人:ZHU Bin 朱斌
  • Original Novel 小说原著:JIA Dashan 贾大山
  • Screenplay 编剧:LI Baoluo 李保罗
  • Cinematographer 摄影:SHAO Dan 邵丹
  • Editor 剪辑:CHEN Xiaohong 陈晓红
  • Production Designer 艺术指导:YANG Zhiwen 杨志文
  • Sound 音效:GE Weijia 葛伟家
  • Music 音乐:LI Qi 李琪
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