Love Education


Sylvia CHANG | 张艾嘉

China | 122 minutes | 2017 | Fiction | Mandarin Chinese | English and Chinese Subtitles | PG
中国 | 122 分钟 | 2017 | 虚构 | 普通话 | 中英文字幕 | PG
Canadian Premiere 加拿大首映

The 37th Hong Kong Film Awards Best Screenplay
第37届香港电影金像奖 – 最佳编剧
The 2018 Asian Film Awards – Best Actress
2018亚洲电影大奖 – 最佳女主角

7:30 – 9:45 PM, FRI, AUG 17
Isabel Bader Theatre

Huiying (Sylvia Chang) intends to relocate her father’s grave from the countryside to the city, where he could be re-buried with her mother. However, her decision sparkles a conflict with Nana (Wu Yanshu), her father’s first wife. Huiying’s daughter, Weiwei (Lang Yueting), caught between her mother and Nana, is turning this family dispute into a reality show on TV, but after having spent some time with Nana, she learns a new understanding of life. In this bittersweet journey, these three women of different generations, each facing her own problems in her love life, follow their hearts and embrace each other’s perspectives on love.


Director 导演

Sylvia Chang 张艾嘉

Born in Chiayi, Taiwan, Sylvia CHANG began her acting career in the 1970s and soon began earning major accolades. In a career spanning over four decades, she has starred in more than 100 films. She made her directorial debut in the 1980s and her most critically acclaimed features have included Siao Yu (’95), Tempting Heart (’99) and 20 30 40 (’04). Love Education (’17) is her latest feature.

张艾嘉出生于台湾嘉义,20世纪70年代初赴香港从影。在长达四十多年的影视生涯中,她主演了超过100部电影,除演员之外,亦担当着编剧、导演、制片人等多个身份,开辟出一条属于自己的独特道路。在众多影视作品中,张艾嘉刻画出了对于青年、中年与老年不同年龄阶段女性的思考和情感表达,给观众留下了深刻印象与思考的空间。她的导演代表作有《少女小渔》(1995)、《心动》(1999)和《20 30 40》(2004)。

Credits 演职员名单

  • Director 导演:Sylvia CHANG 张艾嘉
  • Principal Cast 主演:Sylvia CHANG 张艾嘉、TIAN Zhuangzhuang 田壮壮、LANG Yueting 郎月婷、WU Yanshu 吴彦姝、SONG Ningfeng 宋宁峰
  • Producer 制片人:Patricia CHENG 庄丽真
  • Executive Producer 执行制片人:Victoria HON 韩肯
  • Screenplay 编剧:Sylvia CHANG 张艾嘉、YOU Xiaoying 游晓颖
  • Cinematographer 摄影:Mark LEE Ping-Bin 李屏宾
  • Editor 剪辑:Matthieu LACLAU 马修
  • Production Designer 艺术指导:MAN Lim-Chung 文念中
  • Sound 音效:TU Duu-Chih 杜笃之、WU Shu-Yao 吴书瑶
  • Music 音乐:Kay HUANG 黄韵玲

Co-Presented by

Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival

The Made by Women programme is funded by the Government of Ontario.

the Government of Ontario
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