Red Flowers and Green Leaves
LIU Miaomiao (In Attendance), HU Weijie | 刘苗苗(出席)、胡维捷
China | 96 minutes | 2018 | Fiction | Chinese Regional Dialect | English Subtitles | PG
中国|96 分钟|2018|虚构|西北方言|英文字幕|PG
North American Premiere 北美首映
SUN, AUG 11, 2:30 – 4:30 PM
Innis Town Hall
Screening + Panel Talk
Shot in a village of the Hui People, a minority of Chinese Muslims, Red Flowers and Green Leaves arranges its plot around a newlywed couple. Haunted by an unidentified and stubborn ailment since infancy, a young man, Li Guoqing (Gubo), reckons himself as unlikable and has no intent for marriage. Under family arrangement and beyond all expectations, he marries a capable and attractive woman, Asheeyen. Suddenly, two strangers are sharing the same bed. As time passes, they become aware of each other’s past once concealed by the elders. Will they learn forgiveness and nourish true love? Will they savor the prospect of a happy family?
Red Flowers and Green Leaves sensitively captures Gubo’s emotional ups and downs through which his resolution to seek a better life for his family remains palpable. It is film that cares for ordinary people, and grants their mundane existence an inalienable dignity. Director Liu Miaomiao, the female representative of Chinese Fifth Generation and also the most renowned Muslim director, returns to Northwest China, unfolding the land and its Muslim residents with sincerity and affinity.
拍摄于回族村落,这⾥⽣活着信奉伊斯兰教的村民,《红花绿叶》的故事根据⼀对新婚夫妇展开。因为⾃幼患有⼀种顽症,李国清(古柏)认为⾃⼰不是个可爱的青年 ⼈,也没有成婚的打算。在家⼈的安排下,他出乎意料地娶到了⼀位能⼲且俊美的媳妇阿西燕。突然间两个陌⽣⼈就要睡在⼀张炕上了。随着⽇⼦过去,他们开始了解到对⽅结婚前被长辈隐去的秘密。他们能学会原谅彼此并培养出爱情吗?他们能尝到幸福家庭的滋味吗?
Director 导演

LIU Miaomiao 刘苗苗
Born in Ningxia, in 1962, and graduated from Beijing Film Academy, Liu Miaomiao is the female representative of the Chinese Fifth Generation filmmakers. She is also a Muslim of the Hui People, a minor ethnicity in China. She finished her directorial debut when she was 23 years old. In 1992, her film Chatterbox (Za zui zi) was screened at Venice and won the President of the Italian Senate’s Gold Medal. She used to be the president of Ningxia Film Studio. Family Scandal (Jia chou), directed and produced by Liu Miaomiao in 1994 during her tenure, was awarded the Best Film at the 2nd Beijing College Student Film Festival.
Credits 演职员名单
Director 导演:LIU Miaomiao 刘苗苗、HU Weijie 胡维捷
Principal Cast 主演:LUO Kewang 罗克旺、MA Siqi 马思琪
Producer 制片人:YU Zhongyuan 于忠元
Executive Producer 执行制片人:PANG Hong 庞洪、LI Hongqing 李红庆、JIANG Zeshi 姜泽石
Screenplay 编剧:Miaomiao 刘苗苗 LIU、SHI Shuqing 石舒清
Cinematographer 摄影:HU Weijie 胡维捷
Editor 剪辑:WU Zhendian 吴振典
Production Designer 艺术指导:ZHU Bing 朱兵
Sound 音效:HOU Xiaoyu 侯晓宇
Music 音乐:XU Mingjian 徐鸣涧 、YANG Sili 杨思力