Small Talk


Hui-Chen HUANG | 黄惠侦

Taiwan | 89 minutes | 2017 | Documentary | Taiwanese | English Subtitles | PG
中国台湾 | 89分钟 | 2017 | 纪录片 | 闽南语 | 英文字幕 | PG

The 67th Berlin International Film Festival, Teddy Award – Best Documentary
第67届柏林国际电影节泰迪熊奖 – 最佳纪录片

5:15 – 6:45 PM, SUN, AUG 12
Innis Town Hall

“Every morning, my mother wakes up well before me, prepares my lunch, and takes off.

Every evening, after eating out, my mom comes home, washes up, closes her bedroom door, and is asleep by 9PM.

We live in the same space. But we’ve lived like strangers under one roof for decades now. The only exchanges are the meals she cooks for me. No hellos, no goodbyes, and no ‘I love you.’

I watch her, knowing that beneath the deafening silence lies a secret that weighs heavily on her, keeping her from speaking; knowing that behind her tightly pursed lips is a shame so overbearing that it suffocates her. One day, I finally summon up the courage to sit her down and make her talk. But am I ready to hear what she has to say? And are we ready to face what’s been buried for so long?”


当我注视着她,我知道在那震耳欲聋的沉默之下,藏着让她难以面对及言说的秘密 ;我知道在紧闭的双唇背后,是令她窒息且摆脱不去的耻辱。这天,我终于鼓起勇气与她开启对话,但我真的准备好去面对她将给出的答案了吗?我们又是否都能够好好面对那些已经被埋藏许久的过去?”

Director 导演

HUANG Hui-Chen is an activist, documentary filmmaker, and a full-time mom. Prior to embarking on her first feature documentary, Huang worked for NGOs such as the Taiwan International Workers Association, China Time’s Trade Union and the Taipei Documentary Worker’s Union as Secretary General, advocating for labour rights and social justice. It was during this time that she began documenting the plight of the disadvantaged and the voiceless. Her intimate profiles of the less fortunate and the exploited became tools used for social change.


Credits 演职员名单

  • Director 导演:Hui-Chen HUANG 黄惠侦
  • Executive Producer 监制:HOU Hsiao-Hsien 侯孝贤
  • Producer 制片人:Diana LEE Chia-Wen 李嘉雯
  • Cinematographer 摄影:LIN Ting-Chieh 林鼎杰
  • Editor 剪辑:Jessica LIN Wan-Yu 林婉玉
  • Sound 音效:Kiwi Inc. & Seismic Sound Lab Ltd.
  • Music 音乐:LIM Giong 林强、Point 许志远

The Made by Women programme is funded by the Government of Ontario.

the Government of Ontario
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