2024 Mulan International Film Festival Festival Pack

Whether you’re a cinephile enjoying it solo or sharing it with close friends and loved ones, the 2024 Mulan International Film Festival Festival Packs offer you the best prices! Purchase before EDT 11:59:59 PM, July 13th to enjoy an extra early bird discount!

Festival Pack Overview

3-Ticket Festival Pack: Early Bird Price $50 / Regular Price $57 / If Purchased As Individual Tickets $66
Redeemable for 3 tickets to any screenings, early bird price offers 24% off compared to purchasing individual tickets.

6 + 2 Festival Pack: Early Bird Price $95 / Regular Price $105 / If Purchased As Individual Tickets $154
Redeemable for 6 tickets to any screenings and 2 tickets to any “Fountainhead” programme screenings, early bird price offers 38% off compared to purchasing individual tickets.

10 + 4 Festival Pack: Early Bird Price $145 / Regular Price $166 / If Purchased As Individual Tickets $262
Redeemable for 10 tickets to any screenings and 4 tickets to any “Fountainhead” programme screenings, early bird price offers 45% off compared to purchasing individual tickets.

Festival Pack Price Comparison

For this year’s film festival, an individual screening ticket for the “Fountainhead” programme is $10 plus processing fee, and for other programmes, it’s $20 plus processing fee. Festival Pack prices have included the processing fee.

Festival Pack Package Price If Purchased As Individual Tickets Discount
3-Ticket Festival Pack $57 $66 14%
6 + 2 Festival Pack $105 $154 32%
10 + 4 Festival Pack $166 $262 37%

Using Your Festival Packs

Within 24 hours of your purchase, you will receive an email from us ([email protected])  confirming your purchase. Once we release the screening schedule, you will receive your redemption codes and detailed instructions on using them in another email.

Email us at [email protected] for your questions on purchasing and using your Festival Packs.


What is the “Fountainhead” programme?
The “Fountainhead” programme is our competition programme. It celebrates and promotes emerging talents and their works with creative originality, and selects its official selection through an open call for submissions. Shorts and Features in the 2024 “Fountainhead” programme will compete for the Audience Awards, Best New Director Award, and Jury Prize for Best Short Film. All awards come with cash prizes of $300 (for shorts) or $1000 (for features), which go directly to the directors.

Can I redeem multiple tickets for one screening with the same Festival Pack?
Yes! You can redeem your Festival Pack’s tickets in any combination.

Can the “6 tickets to any screenings” and “10 tickets to any screenings” in the 6 + 2 and 10 + 4 Festival Packs be used for screenings in the “Fountainhead” programme?

Why do I need to pay an additional processing fee for individual tickets, but not for the Festival Packs?
The individual tickets are sold through Eventbrite, and the processing fee is charged by the platform. Payment of Festival Packs is handled directly by us directly, and you don’t need to pay extra.

How to use Festival Pack?
You will receive an email to redeem your Festival Pack when the first batch of the 2024 Schedule is announced. You MUST redeem Festival Packs for individual screening tickets to gain access to the theatre. 

When will the 2024 Schedule be announced?
We will start announcing the detailed screening schedule in early July and will continue releasing festival line-ups until then.

Purchase Your Festival Packs

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