SUN Jing | 孙晶
China, USA | 6 minutes | 2018 | Animated Short Film | G
中国 美国|6 分钟|2018|动画短片|G
Canadian Premiere 加拿大首映
SAT, AUG 10, 4:45 – 7:00 PM
Innis Town Hall
Screening With
(95min, Stop Motion Animated Film)
Screening + Panel Talk
This thesis film visualizes the philosophical concept of an ancient Chinese proverb: “a mantis hunting the cicada unknowingly falls prey to the eyes of an oriole.”
本片取材于古谚语 “螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”,讲述了一个关于人类社会与自然循环的故事。
Director 导演
SUN Jing is an animation director who graduated with a bachelor’s degree from China’s Jilin Animation Institute in 2012, and a master’s from California State University, Los Angeles in 2018. She has worked on I Saw Mice Burying A Cat (2012), the Grand Prix winner at the International Animation Festival Hiroshima. Her animated shorts The Old Man and the Pears (2016) and Prey (2018) have travelled the international festival circuit. She focuses on the aesthetic areas of animation, and her goal is to invent and explore more possibilities in visualization.
Credits 演职员名单
- Director 导演:SUN Jing 孙晶
- Music 音乐:LIU Shuangyi 刘双一
- Sound 声效:ZHANG Kenan 张珂南
- Academic Adviser 指导教授:Jim Ovelmen 吉姆·欧佛曼