TANG Kang Sheng | 邓康生
Singapore | 10 minutes | 2018 | Fiction | Singaporean Mandarin and English | English Subtitles | PG
新加坡|10 分钟|2018|虚构|新加坡华语、英语|英文字幕|PG
North American Premiere 北美首映
FRI, AUG 9, 7:00 – 10:00 PM
Scotiabank Theatre Cinema 1
Screening With
Source (9min), Where Dreams Rest (15min), Stray Cat Ah Q (6min), The Little Shrimp (62min)
Screenings + Panel Talk
A young woman becomes emotionally distressed when she tries to find out about a family member’s sudden illness through long-distance calls.
Director 导演
Born and raised in Singapore, TANG Kang Sheng was a graduate from School of Film and Media Studies at Ngee Ann Polytechnic and subsequently attained a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Filmmaking at the School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University. He is now pursuing his MFA in Film Directing at UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. He wishes that after graduation, he will continue his short films dealing with interpersonal relationships between people and attempt to capture the beauty of the cracks and imperfections within them.
来自新加坡的邓康生从小就立志要当一名电影导演。17 岁的时候,他进入了新加坡义安理工学院的电影系就读,22岁服完兵役过后,又入读南洋理工大学,获得了数字电影制作的本科学位,而现在正在加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的电影系继续做梦。梦想的代价是沉重的,他希望毕业后能继续拍摄短片。他喜欢捕捉人与人之间错综复杂的关系,也喜欢很直接地与演员们合作。
Credits 演职员名单
- Director 导演:TANG Kang Sheng 邓康生
- Principal Cast 主演:YEO Zhi Qi 杨织綨