• Summer Knows - Film Still
  • Summer Knows - Film Still
  • Summer Knows - Film Still

Summer Knows


ZHONG Hongshi

20 minutes | 2023 | Fiction | Chongqing Dialect | English and Chinese Subtitles

North American Premiere

7:30 PM, WED, AUG 14
Innis Town Hall

Zoom Q&A with Director and Screening with
May the Lord Protect us (15 mins), A Year Apart (17 mins), Chan Is Fishing (14 mins), Two Suns (15 mins), Redacted (19 mins), Sojourn to Shangri-La (20 mins), All About Shaochang (20 mins)

Summer of 2001, as Beijing wins the bid to host the 29th Summer Olympics, an ordinary Chinese family is slowly falling apart. Catching glimpses of the distress and secrets harboured by each family member, Hui, an innocent six-year-old girl, only wants to seize the summer while it lasts.


ZHONG Hongshi - Film Still

Writer-director ZHONG Hongshi earned her BFA from NYU Tisch Film & TV and her MFA from USC School of Cinematic Arts. She is passionate about exploring the complexities of family dynamics across different cultures and seeks to capture the universality in human’s emotional experiences. Her latest short film Summer Knows is an official selection for Shanghai International Film Festival and has won the Audience Awards at the NOWNESS Short Film Awards and Best Screenplay at 86358 Jia Village Short Film Week; her short film Toad has also been recognized at over 30 international film festivals.


  • Director: ZHONG Hongshi
  • Principal Cast: ZHANG Yaqi
  • Producer: HUANG Zhichun
  • Screenplay: ZHONG Hongshi
  • Cinematographer: LI Chaochen
  • Production Designer: ZHAO Yuelin
  • Editor: ZHONG Hongshi
  • Sound: GU Jiaqing
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