• Redacted - Film Still
  • Redacted - Film Still



YU Chih-Chieh

19 minutes | 2024 | Fiction | Mandarin | English and Chinese Subtitles

International Premiere

Content Advisory: This film contains lighting that may affect photosensitive viewers, frightening scenes, and violence.

7:30 PM, WED, AUG 14
Innis Town Hall

Zoom Q&A with Director and Screening with
May the Lord Protect us (15 mins), A Year Apart (17 mins), Chan Is Fishing (14 mins), Two Suns (15 mins), Sojourn to Shangri-La (20 mins), All About Shaochang (20 mins), Summer Knows (20 mins)

A taxi thief conveniently picks up two passengers, but is stopped by the police at the worst possible moment. As he attempts to flee, a strange incident among the passengers spirals out of control, quickly evolving into a city-wide catastrophe.


YU Chih-Chieh - Portrait

Writer-director YU Chih-Chieh was born in 1996 in Taipei City, Taiwan. He graduated from the National Taiwan University of Arts Department of Motion Picture, and now works as CEO of Reticent Veteran Film. As a director, he was selected for the 27th BIFF Platform BUSAN and the 17th FIRST Training Camp. His film Contained (2022) won Best Student Narrative Film at the 44th Golden Harvest Awards, impressing audiences with its innovative single-take technique. The film also earned nominations at the China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, as well as the Pingyao International Film Festival.


  • Director: YU Chih-Chieh
  • Principal Cast: YU Po-Yun, HUANG Cheng-Chi, WANG Lan-Shen, Oscar CHIU, CHENG Ciou-Ye, LI Yen-Cheng
  • Producer: YU Chih-Chieh
  • Screenplay: YU Chih-Chieh
  • Cinematographer: PENG Wei-Chung
  • Production Designer: HSU Chia-Ning
  • Editor: YU Chih-Chieh
  • Sound: GAO Wei-Xiang
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